Press Release
Green Line Advisory Group for Medford (GLAM)
For Immediate Release:
Complaint Filed in U.S. District Court Against the Green Line Extension
The Green Line Advisory Group for Medford (GLAM), an organization, represented by its Chairperson, Carolyn Rosen, as
well as, private citizens Carolyn Rosen and Dr. William Wood of Medford have filed a complaint against the Massachusetts Dept.
of Transportation and the Federal Transit Administration regarding the Green Line Extension project to Medford.
The complaint intends to prove that the Massachusetts Dept. of Transportation and Federal Transit Administration
failed to adequately address environmental issues pertaining to the human environment and its natural resources in the city
of Medford.
The complaint also contends that civil rights of the environmental justice community and disability population
of Medford have been violated through out the Green Line Extension
A complaint has been filed in U.S. District Court in Boston on January 18, 2013.
Media Contact:
Carolyn Rosen, Chairperson